
Product Support


Everything you need to get started



The e-mail address you us to login into your MapSimple account.


The password you got for your MapSimple account.

Retrieve password

A functionality which sends en e-mail to the define e-mail address with a reset password link. When clicking on the link, you can set a new password.

Your Map

ID (Basic Settings)

The ID of your map will be automatically created, don’t bother :)

Name (Basic Settings)

Give your map a name which you might find logical, in best case without special characters and signs.

Style (Basic Settings)

Select your map style, i.e.: satellite, streets, outdoor, navigation, a.s.o. Depending on your selection, your MapSimple web app and (if applicable) mobile app, will show the map accordingly.

Location set (Basic Settings)

You can create multiple / several location sets (maybe for testing and/or pre-releases a.s.o.). Select here the one you want to show on your map.

Visualization (Tab)

Preview your map on this tab.

Widget (Tab)

Retrieve your WebApp and iframe setting here.

Your location set

Latitude and Longitude

Latitude = Y-Axis = horizontal lines on a default map (north and south)

Longitude = Y-Axis = vertical lines on a default map (east and west)


The name & title of your entry


The description is the entry text and can also present to “Detailed description”, in case you leave that empty.

Image URL

The main image presented on the overview page.

Detailed Description

Here you can enter a longer text, which can be read, when the end user click on “more” on the map overview text.


In case you want to terminate your subscription

Please contact us.

Video Tutorials

Sora 4 Pro – Learn To Fly

Sora 4 Pro – Remote Controller

Sora 4 Pro – Camera Features

Sora Editor App

Sora 4 Pro – Fly Safe

Sora 4 Pro – Beginner’s Guide

Warranty & Repair

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